The Miracle of Regathering

The Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote of the future return of his people to their ancestral homeland 2500 years ago. It is a true miracle that the Jewish people who have suffered exile, persecution, forced assimilation and near annihilation have not only survived, but regathered into their eternal homeland. This blog is intended to stir hearts and minds to contemplate the importance of this modern miracle and to generate dialogue about current cultural, geopolitical and spiritual issues that impact us ALL.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Illusion of Moderation and The Farce of Palestinian Statehood

Nabil Sha'ath, a senior member of Fatah, was once the chief "peace negotiator" for the PLO.  He was not negotiating on behalf of Hamas - the avowed extremist anti-Zionist terror organization that controls Gaza, but their supposed moderate rivals in the power struggle over control of "Palestine," the PLO - now known as the Palestinian Authority.

Sha'ath is well known himself to be stoutly anti-Israel and hence is no longer a part of the negotiating team for the "moderate" PA.  It is a bit antithetical that he is no longer a "negotiator" because he truly never was.  His inability, unlike some of his compatriots, to keep his true feelings quiet was his downfall...his hatred for Israel, Jews and his absolute commitment to the destruction of Jewish Israel was all too obvious.

However, all who are in any way savvy to the reality of the "game" on the ground realize that every single PA "negotiator" and certainly all of the senior leadership in Fatah, feels the exact same way as Sha'ath...the others are just far better at being able to subterfuge their hand to the world at large.

Well, Sha'ath the "moderate" is at it again.  In a recent celebration of the Hamas "victory" over Israel - another duplicitous attempt to rally the victims of terrorist controlled Gaza against the "evil occupiers" - Sha'ath makes clear, crystal clear, his vision for the region...and his support for the means to do so.  Joining with terrorist leaders Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas and Mohammed Al-Hindi of Islamic Jihad, he called for unity amongst all the Palestinian factions.

In this video you will see the Arab vision for the state of and all, regardless of the rhetoric that may come from the so-called PA "moderates" like Abu Mazan (Mahmoud Abbas). Hanan Ashrawi, Saeb Erekat and others...of whom Sha'ath is supposedly a partner.  Moderation amongst PA Arabs is simply and succinctly, an illusion:

With the entity known by the world as "Palestine" ready to present its case for Observership Statehood to the United Nations General Assembly, it and the UN will bypass all international legal precedence to give credence to a non-state group as essentially equal to a nation-state.  Of course, Palestine does not exist.  But, the mostly anti-Israel, anti-Zionist UNGA will likely create it, having enough votes to pass without much need for compromise amongst the PA leadership.  The PA claims that this is a "last ditch effort to re-ignite the peace process" - which we know is fabricated hyperbole since they have avoided any attempt to re-ignite negotiations for the better part of 3 years.

This is but one further nail in the coffin for the goal of a balanced, morally equitable future for the relations between Arabs and Israelis in the middle east.  I have said this before and I will keep saying it: there is no hope for peace - EVER - when one of the parties involved truly has no ultimate desire for peace.

And so, a new phase begins, of Israeli isolation by the world body...of non-negotiated restructuring. This farcical event gives further credence to a group who is not simply looking for legitimacy and self-determination, two noble and desirous goals, and certainly not through peaceful means, but of the destruction of a current legitimate Nation-State and the removal of its Jewish majority from the region.

This is the middle east...this is the world we live in.

Whether with the well avowed and hate-filled Hamas or Islamic Jihad terrorists or the oft-deceptive PA so-called moderates, the future bodes ill for a lasting peace in this region of recurrent heartbreak.  The only option for Israel continues to be: to maintain national and military strength, to stand firm united and to continually pray for the miracle of peace...or the coming of Messiah...with the latter growing far more likely than the former.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Turkey, Egypt and the US - Is the Middle East About to Explode?

Aside from the obvious support both militarily and financially from Iran, the Hamas leadership in Gaza received more than a supportive nod from both Egypt and Turkey today.  In the wake of its barrage of rockets sent toward southern and central Israel and its declaration of "opening Hell's doors" upon Israel, Hamas was commended by Egyptian President Morsi and Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan and Israel declared anathema for its "aggression toward the citizens of Gaza."

Of course, this rhetoric is not unexpected.  To the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, to which Morsi belongs, and to the Islamic Freedom and Justice party (AKP) of which Erdogan is the leader, Israel is the "little satan" who poisons the region with "zionist presence."  Vitriol has been part of their agenda and, in fact, helped get the two leaders into power.  After all, in the "democratic" Middle East, it is not the multiple party system that provides a platform for ideas, it is the "us against the Zionist" manifesto that unites the populace firmly behind a politician.

For Israel, it is not the support that Hamas receives from Arab and Islamic nations in the Middle East that is concerning.  It is quite a natural expectation as Israel develops policy toward their neighbors and in developing plans for their own security.

What is concerning, and in fact quite daunting, is the seeming duplicity of the US administration with regard to the region.  Yesterday November 15th, as Israel prepared to bury a pregnant mother, a rabbinical student  and a child whose lives were prematurely ended by a Hamas rocket that landed on their apartment building, White House press secretary Jay Carney released a statement:

"There is no justification for the violence that Hamas and other terrorist organizations are employing against the people of Israel," Carney said. "We call on those responsible to stop these cowardly acts immediately in order to allow the situation to de-escalate....Hamas claims to have the best interests of the Palestinian people at heart, yet it continues to engage in violence that is counterproductive to the Palestinian cause," Carney said. "Attacking Israel on a near-daily basis does nothing to help the Palestinians in Gaza or to move the Palestinian people any closer to achieving self-determination."

This was an unequivocal message of solidarity that struck some hope in Israelis' hearts that the administration had stepped away from its prior ambiguity towards the long-standing conflict.  Of course, that hope may be short-lived after official White House reports today of the conversation President Obama had with Prime Minister Erdogan.  The two leaders, according to a White House read-out of the call, seemed to agree on much: 
"Today, the President called Prime Minister Erdogan to discuss the escalating violence in Israel and the Gaza Strip," the White House read-out of the call states.  "The two leaders shared their concerns about the dangers to civilian populations on both sides and expressed their common desire to see an end to the violence.  The President and Prime Minister agreed that the continued spiral of violence jeopardizes prospects for a durable, lasting peace in the region.  The President underscored his commitment to advancing the goal of Middle East peace. The President’s call to Prime Minister Erdogan follows his outreach to counterparts in Israel and Egypt on November 14."
According to Daniel Harper of The Weekly Standard, "Indeed, the White House in no way indicates the leaders disagreed about anything in their call.  Interestingly, Erdoğan earlier called the Israeli strikes 'a pre-election stunt,' according to Ynet.  Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan decried Israel's airstrikes on Gaza on Friday as a pre-election stunt and said he would discuss the crisis with Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi in Cairo this weekend, reports Ynet.  Ynet says that Erdoğan told reporters, "Before this election they (Israel) shot these innocent people in Gaza for reasons they fabricated....The dominant world powers are now making the Gaza people and fighters pay, and as the Republic of Turkey we are with our brothers in Gaza and their just cause."

With respect to President Morsi of Egypt, the White House official report states that on November 14, "In [his conversation with Morsi], the president reiterated the United States' support for Israel's right to self-defense," according to Carney.
Today, President Morsi sent a delegation to Gaza declaring categorical support for their Hamas brothers in Gaza.  Morsi on Thursday condemned Israel's "ongoing military offensive against Gaza" ordering his prime minister and top security officials to visit the Gaza Strip on Friday to show support for Palestinian residents in the face of what he called an "unacceptable" bombing campaign by Israel.  Leading politicians and activists, including members of Morsi's own Muslim Brotherhood, called on the president to sever ties with the Jewish state and open Egypt's Rafah border crossing with Gaza."The situation has changed in Egypt. And all is not going to be normal on the eastern front," said Walid Kazziha, a political science professor at the American University in Cairo.
Although Egypt is unlikely to attack Israel, it can cease cooperation with the Jewish state on security along their shared border, according to analysts and politicians, including members of the Salafist Nour party.  Egypt "can make real nuisance out of Gaza for the Israelis, without getting implicated — in the same way the Syrians made southern Lebanon a big nuisance without getting directly involved," Kazziha said. "You arm people, you open the borders, you offer support."
What impact President Obama has on the current Middle East crisis will clearly depend upon not only public communication through White House staffers, but private communication between him and the leadership of key Middle Eastern states.  The policy reprieve and seeming support of the US for a full-scale ground strike upon Gaza by Israel will be tested.  With these tests, whether or not real policy changes have taken place regarding Israel's right to defend herself at all costs will come to the front.  As for most Israelis including their leadership, and for very good reason, prudence and circumspection always take precedence with this US administration.
As for the rest of us, although we focus on the battle in and around Gaza and Israel, we must keep our eyes on other nations of interest and their proxies - and especially Egypt and Turkey, who are vying for regional strength within the Islamic world.  If the conflict between Hamas and Israel drags on and if civilian casualties begin to mount, regional unrest will undoubtedly occur.  Will the US leadership have the stomach to stand firm in their support, or will they revert to previous policy and rhetoric to attempt to further their standing within the Islamic entities in the region?
Time will tell...

A Time To Respond - There Is No Moral Equivalency?

What would Americans do living in San Diego and its suburbs if 13,000 rockets had been fired from Tijuana and northern Mexico into their homes, schools, parks, churches and hospitals?

Mind you, they were NOT FIRED INTO THEIR MILITARY BASES...but on innocent p

eople just trying to live life in peace. I would HOPE that the US military would defend their citizens by going into northern Mexico BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY and clean out any and all perpetrators of such immoral acts before any more lives were threatened.  The goal of this would not be to obtain more land, nor to limit the freedom of a neighboring people, but to protect the lives of our citizens.  
If the US didn't respond in that way, we would all hold them accountable for treason for allowing it to continue

Israel has shown overt restraint and focused on surgically precise strikes to avoid even the appearance of an asymmetric response. Even with that, much of the world media and Arab and other anti-Israel nations rail against Israeli retaliation.  Their blatant hypocrisy reeks to the heavens.  While 30,000 Syrian citizens are brutally murdered by an Arab despot, there is no outcry amongst those nations.  But, when the "Zionist Entity" defends its own citizens, their is vehement opposition.

After Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 as an act of goodwill to prove their desire for peace with the so-called Palestinians, more than 13,000 rockets have rained down on Southern Israel.  Now, with the use of Iranian supplied Fajr-5 missiles fired from apartments, homes and stores in civilian areas, this has extended into Tel Aviv, Rishon LeZion and other much more populous regions in Israel.  No other sovereign country should have to tolerate even 1 rocket.  But Israel is always called upon to show restraint.

Some interesting points:

1) Israel assassinated one of the most important Hamas operatives, Ahmed al-Jabari in retaliation for the enormous wave of increased rockets fired from Gaza over the recent days.  Israeli use of targeted assassinations has been criticized by many...but it saves lives - it saves Israeli lives.  But, just as importantly, it saves the lives of innocent people in Gaza.
2) Israel left Gaza in 2005 -- removing ALL of its citizens (it is actua
lly illegal for an Israeli citizen to enter Gaza) -- in the name of peace.  Despite the misinformation by anti-Israeli media and organizations, Israel has ensured the importation of millions of tons of food, clothing, building supplies, and other necessary items into Gaza over the 7 years since.
3) Despite the fact that the publicly elected government of the Gazan people REFUSES to acknowledge Israel's right to exist and whose patent goal is the eradication of the Jewish population of Israel, Israel still provides electricity to all of Gaza (paid for by Israeli citizens and their taxes)
4) There may be far fewer Israeli casualties than Gazan casualties in any military encounter between the two.  This unfortunate circumstance is not a result of intentionality on Israel's military.  There are a multitude of reasons, not the least of which are:
   a) Israel's first priority is the protection of the innocent...and it builds bomb shelters for that purpose.  Even one life lost is sadness beyond tolerance to most Israelis.
   b) Those in power in Gaza not only avoid building bomb shelters, they fight from within populated areas FOR THE DISTINCT PURPOSE of encouraging more collateral damage that will persuade world opinion against Israel.  For the Islamist radical leadership in Gaza, it is an honor for anyone to die for the cause of Jihad.

There is no moral equivalency between rockets fired upon civilian populations and the defensive efforts on the part of Israel to surgically incise terrorists and their weapons from Gaza.  When Israelis and most other compassionate people learn of the loss of innocent lives - women or children in Gaza for instance - for a moment they stop to ask the question...why?  Why can't their just be peace?  Why can't the hope for mutual understanding, dialogue and respect become a reality?  Now compare this to the reaction of the Palestinians and other Arab nations when an innocent Israeli citizen is a victim of a rocket attack or a suicide/homicide bomber.  Recall the reaction that took place in the streets of Gaza city and Ramallah after the tragedy of 9/11 - they were filled with people celebrating the death of nearly 3000 innocent lives.

The situation is tragic and their appears to be no end in sight.  But, any intelligent, morally sound individual would understand that there is a time for restraint and their is a time for response that matches the threat.  Now is the time for the latter.

Let  us all pray for the protection of the innocent and Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and the entire region.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

EU Shows Its Moral Fiber...NOT

The E.U’s Bankruptcy Isn’t Just Financial

The neighborhood of Pisgat Zeev is one of the largest in Jerusalem, with about 50,000 housing units. It is located due north of the Hebrew University campus, technically on the “other” side of the 1948 armistice line called the “green line.” According to the rest of the world, it is a “settlement.” If you drove to it from downtown Jerusalem, you’d have no idea.
The neighborhood of Ramot is well west of Pisgat Zeev and is just on the other side of the “green line.” It, too, is a well-established neighborhood of Israel’s capital city.
While we’re on the topic, the Old City of Jerusalem – which includes the Western Wall, the holiest site in Judaism – is, technically, on the “other” side of the “green line.”
Yesterday, European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said she “deeply regrets” Israeli plans to build about 1300 new housing units in these neighborhoods – plans which, according to Ashton, amount to settlement building. Her statement said, “Settlements are illegal under international law and threaten to make a two-state solution impossible.”
Right. Israeli housing in pre-existing Jewish neighborhoods in northern and western Jerusalem are the major sticking point in a two-state solution. Nobody, including Lady Ashton, actually believes that.
In other news from the European Union, the E.U. refused yesterday to add Hezbollah to its list of recognized terrorist organizations.
So, to review: Israel is “illegally” building “settlements” in “East Jerusalem” which is making a two-state solution “impossible.” But Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization.
Another banner day for the European Union. For all our sake, let’s hope their financial bankruptcy never gets as bad as their moral bankruptcy.
Author: Rabbi Jonathan Greenberg | November 9, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Explaining Obama's Middle Eastern Policy: Double Standard, Duplicitous or Deluded?

It has become quite clear to a number of individuals on both sides of the "right-left" divide over the last 3 1/2 years that the foreign policy of the current US administration with respect to the Middle East has been at the very least confusing.


On the one hand, our administration has fully supported so-called "democratic" uprisings during what has come to be known as the Arab Spring in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia where major protests and populace demands have led to wholesale leadership shifts.  Although the uprising in Egypt was the most visible, the deadliest of the three was in Libya were close to 300 "protestors" lost their lives at the hands of Muammar Khadaffi, prompting the US to organize a multi-national military campaign to end "the massacre," which it successfully accomplished in a matter of weeks.

Other major uprisings in the region have met with different responses.  In Iran, although not nearly as well publicized, major cities were filled with tens of thousands of protesters verbalizing their anger and frustration over the horrendous suppression of freedom by the Mullahs of Tehran.  Experts have estimated that the demonstrations included not only several times more people than those in Egypt, but, resulted in many more deaths, torture and the imprisonment of the opposition than Egypt and Libya combined.

Additionally, the threat to regional imbalance and the support of worldwide radicalism by Iran's leadership was, and still is, much more dangerous than any threat Libya or Egypt posed.  In fact, although controlled by autocratic leaders, certainly Egypt and to some extent Libya, were considered two of the more stabilizing forces in an otherwise chaotic Arab Middle East.

One would have predicted based on the response in Egypt and Libya, that the reaction to the Iranian popular demand for democratization to have been even more overwhelming by the US and its allies.  However, the reaction by our administration over the course of several weeks was surprisingly muted, which frustrated not only the aspirations of the populace of Iran, which was eventually brutally quelled, but even many anti-Iran Arab allies in the Middle East.

In Syria, a popular uprising has been going on for many months against a dictatorial and despotic leader who historically has been much more violently oppressive of his people than either Mubarak or Khadaffi, having been responsible for tens of thousands of deaths in the past.  During the current uprising, estimates are that well over 30,000 men, women and children have been killed by the regime.  What has been the response of our current administration?  Extremely weak and inconsistent condemnation and loosely formed sanctions.

The official Obama Administration's overview of National Security and Foreign Policy strategy states the following: "The United States rejects the false choice between the narrow pursuit of our interests and an endless campaign to impose our values. Instead, we see it as fundamental to our own interests to support a just peace around the world—one in which individuals, and not just nations, are granted the fundamental rights that they deserve."

Although seemingly well within the concept of ensuring fundamental rights for the people of Egypt and Libya, this doesn't apply the same way for Iran and Syria.  The explanations by the State Department have been exhaustingly vague and illusive.  Why, then, was Libya and Egypt "our problem" and Iran and Syria not?  It has been a struggle for me to attempt to answer that question because, until recently, no single theory fit.

The concept of the "double standard" can be summarized succinctly as "any code or set of principles applied differently for one group of people than another."  Clearly, our administration's policy vis a vie the Middle East has been framed entirely by a double standard.  But, again, the real question is why?

It would certainly be Pollyannish to think that for decades, prior US administrations have not also applied double standards to foreign policy, having supported regimes, even despots, based on economic ties or the need to maintain regional stability, to keep under check the growth of communism or, most recently, to minimize the impact over the Muslim world by radical Islamist regimes.


On the other hand, many people have claimed that the undergirding reasons for the Middle Eastern policy of  Obama and his administration have been duplicitous.  Defining the concept of duplicity as "deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech," Obama has been accused of everything from being a manchurian candidate, a hidden Muslim to a radical socialist.

While, it is true that he has on multiple occasions over his term in office reneged on prior commitments on both domestic and foreign policy issues, he has rarely defended these decisions with an explanation as to why the alteration in principle or course.  Is this the machinations of a Machiavellian leader - one who is intentionally deceitful; or is this the product of Consequentialism - that of the ends justifying the means?  His policy-makers have claimed the latter and have encouraged those hurt by the seeming reversals of course to be patient and all will turn out well.

Then, there is the Israel-Arab issue.  On the one hand, our president has verbalized, at least when speaking to predominantly Jewish proponents of Israel and mainstream Americans - who are overwhelmingly supportive of Israel, his self-proclaimed unwavering support for Israel and her security.  He has even gone so far as to state unabashedly that he is "the most pro-Israel President since Truman."

In his ground-breaking speech to the Muslim world in Cairo in 2009, Obama attempted to be balanced in his determination to address the Israel-Arab crisis.  While he emotively challenged the Arab world and the Palestinians specifically to abandon violence and recognize the aspirations of Israel as the Jewish homeland, he also publicly flagellated Israel and stated unequivocally, that "the US does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements." and compared the plight of the Palestinians to that of the African Americans through slavery in the US.

While understanding his verbalized desire to be fair and balanced, what has his record been through the remainder of his term in office?  Repeatedly, the actions of this administration have been intentional about its attempt to strong-arm Israeli leadership, often in direct opposition to long and short-term Israeli security needs.  Although, it has spoken judiciously and occasionally in opposition to terror attacks on Israel, it has spoken loudly through State Department and Defense Department leaders with regard to Israeli policy toward stopping Iran's nuclear aspirations, undermining Israel's attempt to utilize military strength as a negotiating tool.  It has likewise consistently supported Arab perspectives on peace negotiations.  It lambasted Israel for the Gaza Flotilla disaster, even before it became obvious that Israeli personnel were acting in self-defense and subsequently never corrected their verbalized judgment.

While vetoing the Palestinian's attempt at unilateral statehood at the United Nations, the administration vociferously denuded Israel for their supposed continued policy of settlement building, giving tacit impetus to Palestinian demands.  This occurred even in the face of an almost year-long moratorium on settlement building that Israel's government self-imposed to show good faith at re-igniting peace negotiations, which were rejected by the Palestinian leadership.

Additionally, time and time again, Obama has placed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in an untenable position, through rhetoric and public repudiation with his policies.  Preempting his face to face meeting with Netanyahu, Obama, while the Prime Minister was in the air on his way to the US, set the foundation for US policy with regard to Palestinian peace negotiations to be based on "pre 1967 lines with mutual land swaps."  The backlash of vehement opposition to this placed the administration in an extremely defensive position.  However, as it had before, it never apologized or corrected what others perceived as a horrendous policy error.

These incidences and the overt attitude of the US administration has served to further isolate Israel in an already overwhelmingly anti-Israel world, not to mention the plethora of covert occurrences that have come to light over the past several years.

Why?  Is it a continuation of the double standard, is it overt duplicity, or is it something else?

Dinesh D'Souza in his controversial book The Roots of Obama's Rage and subsequent major documentary, "2016: Obama's America," puts forth the theory that it is Obama's anti-colonial obsession which is the motivation behind both his domestic and foreign policy decisions.  When analyzed in the light of Middle East policy decisions, this would seem on the surface to be an obvious factor.

Why else would Obama support the overthrow of three regimes, one of which - Egypt - was the single strongest political and military ally the US had in the Middle East apart from Israel, and which was seen in the Arab world as being "in the pocket" of the Americans?  To support Egypt's regime change is to prove unequivocally to the Arab and Muslim world that America was no longer the colonialist that it "once was."  While at the same time, he did little to support the overthrow of 2 despotic nations that brutally suppress their populations - who happened to be allies with each other and extremely anti-American.  Of course, it would have been counterproductive to his anti-colonial passion to overtly support the overthrow of two anti-American and anti-Israeli regimes.

Now, to the Israel-Arab issue, this would apply all the more, as the Arab world views Israel as having clear colonialist aspirations.  For the US to continue to support Israel would again be counterproductive to Obama's anti-colonialist obsession.   Of course, walking this fine line puts the President in a potentially unenviable position with many Americans who are pro-Israel and certainly with many of his wealthy constituents, who are pro-Israeli Jews.  Thus, the equivocation that we see time and again between promise and actionable policy.

This anti-colonial program has carried itself even further with recent events in the Middle East.  As a response to the production of an anti-Muslim video by a private citizen who happens to live in the United States, riots and protests throughout the Muslim world have taken the lives of American personnel in Libya and threatened other westerners.  The violent protestors continue to rage, blaming the US and Israel as well as other Western Countries for overt anti-Islamic policies that they have linked with this video.

What has the official US response been?  While briefly castigating the taking of innocent lives, the US response at both the State Department and Federal level has been one of apology for "the insensitivity" of this video's denigration of the Muslim religion.

Even as more knowledge has come to light that the attacks on the US embassy in Libya were actually premeditated and only coincidentally linked to the blamed video, the official response has again been one of equivocation and confused rhetoric, with the goal of not wanting to undermine the need to present the US as anti-colonial.

And, with all his attempt to represent the US in a new light to the Muslim populace, that of a more passive world power who is no longer interested in imposing its values on Islam, what results have been accomplished?  Iran and Syria have been emboldened, Israel has been further isolated, Islamist extremists have been able to gain much stronger footing in the Arab world, and the US remains the "Great Satan" - still seen as attempting to impose its Western values on the Islamic peoples.

Although the anti-colonial perspective explains to some extent the basis for Obama's foreign policy, it still does not seem to drill all the way to the core of the matter.  Which brings me to my final point.


While there is an obvious double standard that has been applied and perhaps some duplicity in order to further the administration's goals, it is my opinion that neither of these are the crux of the matter.  In point of fact, anti-colonialism may be the vehicle that carries the policies of this administration.  But, it is a deeper reality that is at the foundation.

What I believe differentiates Obama's philosophical approach, and indeed what separates him from prior US leaders, is his very firm belief that good and evil are relative concepts.  To put it more succinctly, redefining what is good and evil is the real matter.  "Good" is defined as "live and let live."  "Evil" is defined as "the imposition of values" - even if those values appear to be intrinsically "good."  There is no strict line that forms the boundaries between right and wrong, good and evil and therefore, those concepts are no longer part of the dialogue vis a vie foreign policy.  There remain only shades of gray.

To Obama, the response of the Muslim world to, for example, this crude and denigrating video was justified.  The anger at which it responds to Israel's presence in the Middle East and to the perception of any complicity on the part of the US, even in the form of terrorism and violence, makes perfect sense.

Although the taking of innocent lives may be counterproductive, to Obama, it appears not a result of evil, but of the cry of repression that longs for freedom of expression.  It is merely a product of a different ethic and culture, not to be eradicated, but to be tolerated - as different.  To apply a "Western" or "Judeo-Christian" ethic in labeling these events as evil or good, is to impose values that serve to denigrate those whose behavior is "different" to a form of forced behavior - which to Obama is tantamount to the greatest of all "evils," if you will.

The transitive verb "deluded" is defined as "to have one's mind misled, to have one's judgment deceived."  While the intention of this discussion is not to compare philosophical or theological perspectives, the fundamental perspective that is at the foundation of Obama's foreign policy is indeed: political, social and moral relativism.  It is a fascinating perspective that has evolved out of postmodern thought and defies any sense of absolutism.

Right and wrong, good and evil, indeed truth itself is no longer necessary to frame our society and the world must evolve away from these absolutes in order to become a more stable, co-dependent place, according to the relativist.  To impose values is anathema to the moral relativist.  To be sure, however, even the assessment of actual conduct as "good" or "evil" and "right" or "wrong" is bete noire.

The conclusion here is not a pretense for arguing the validity of relativism vs. absolutism.  It is, in fact, a challenge to those wanting to understand the reasoning behind this country's foreign policy under the current administration, especially with regard to the Middle East.  It is, more importantly, a call to become introspective regarding your choice for whom we want as leader of our nation and for what direction we want to see this nation's interaction with the world around us.


If it no longer strikes one as evil that homicide bombers continue to kill and mame innocent people; if we no longer wish to define as morally wicked the aspirations of one sovereign state to annihilate another; if the response to the innate commitment of an entire religious culture to dominate and place in subserviency the world, one region at a time, is no longer considered worthy of confrontation, even violent confrontation.

Ultimately, if you feel comfortable with the delusion that evil no longer exists and that wickedness is no longer something we must fight with every fiber of our civilization, then I suggest you place your name amongst those who would like the current administration to continue the journey it has begun taking our nation.

If not, then I strongly suggest that with every ounce of your being, you make your voice heard: at the ballot box, in your congregations and churches, on social websites and in any other way you deem necessary.

Whatever you choose, to do nothing is only deluding yourself.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Romney Secretly Videotaped - TELLING THE TRUTH about the Middle East! HOW DARE HE?!

Please watch this "secret" video obtained through an undercover Democrat plant at one of Mitt Romney's "private" fundraisers. There's an old saying: "What the devil meant for evil, God turns for good!" I have some ideas as to which side is the "devil's" and which is "God's." I'll let you all decide that for yourselves, however.

One thing is for sure: I can't tell you how refreshing it is to see a presidential candidate that is actually honest about Arab-Israeli politics and the so-called peace process. He may not have expressed it as glibly as I would have liked. But, the bulk of Romney's discourse is absolutely spot on. I am thoroughly impressed and, of course, more convinced than ever which candidate will be the TRUE friend of Israel over the next 4 years.

Of course, the supporters of our current Administration will point to this as some horrible large part because our incumbent President and his policy makers are deluded enough to believe the farcical dream that the Arabs actually want peace with Israel.

As we have seen in Gaza and Lebanon, and will soon witness in Egypt if the Muslim Brotherhood gains more traction, giving away control over land only feeds the monster, prompting more and more violence.

What is the answer? How do we give those who call themselves Palestinians autonomy without risking Israeli security? After all, it is the dream of all of us to have a sense of control over our own destiny.

Unfortunately, when that destiny is self-infused with a commitment to another's destruction, we must ALL do everything in our power to, first, recognize that reality...and, secondly, stop it. This administration, however, believes that through appeasement and apology, peace can be achieved.

Most of us who live in the REAL WORLD and have extensive experience with life in the Middle East, understand that reality dictates otherwise. As Romney ACCURATELY points out - true peace is not possible when one of the parties has NO deep and NO sustained commitment to it.

My mind is made up as to who I will vote for as I believe our foreign policies, especially vis a vie the Middle East will have a critical impact on our nation's domestic issues as well as the health of the world around us. I hope yours is too!

Magdi Khalil Writes on Holocaust & Antisemitism

Egyptian-American Author And Middle East Freedom Forum Director Magdi Khalil Writes On Holocaust, Antisemitism In The Middle East

In an article titled "History Comes Alive At The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum," which was published in Arabic on on September 5, 2012, Magdi Khalil, Egyptian-American intellectual, prominent human rights activist, and executive director of the Middle East Freedom Forum in Cairo and Washington, D.C. writes about his experiences during his recent visit to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
The following is the article, as translated by the author:

"As Hatred Gives Birth To Violence, Violence In Turn Gives Birth To Crime; The More Vicious The Hatred, The More Horrendous The Crime"

"Recently, I paid a visit to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. It was my first visit to the museum, as I usually try to avoid coming face to face with the barbaric acts that humans commit against one another, and would rather just read the historical accounts. However, I was persuaded of the importance of such a visit, since the Copts in Egypt are being subjected to a widespread culture of hatred similar to what the Jewish people experienced in Europe."

"As the docents who accompanied me proceeded to explain about the different sections and paintings at the museum, I let my imagination run free. I delved deeper into the events of the past, letting History itself and the victims speak to me, and through that process I reached a more profound and relevant understanding. I wondered: What could possibly make the Nazis exterminate some six million Jews in the most horrifying genocide in contemporary history? I could hear History answering me back: 'Just one word, my friend: Hatred.'

"The Supreme Court of Canada has recognized this truth, stating, 'The Holocaust did not begin in the gas chambers, but with words.' As hatred gives birth to violence, violence in turn gives birth to crime; the more vicious the hatred, the more horrendous the crime."

I "Listened To The Testimonies of Holocaust Survivors... Each Told Me Of Their Final Hours As They Encountered A Cruel And Dreadful Death"

"As I moved through the museum, I occasionally listened to the testimonies of Holocaust survivors playing on screens on the various levels of the Museum. But History once more spoke, captivating my attention. 'Come,' it insisted, 'listen to the victims speak for themselves; it is they who can tell you about things that no one else witnessed.'

"So I listened to Daniel, David, Jacob, Elijah, Moses, Cohen, Isaiah, Rachel, Deborah, Miriam, Hannah, and Diana. They each told me of their final hours as they encountered a cruel and dreadful death. Some of them met death in labor camps, some in the overcrowded trains transporting them to places of execution, some in concentration camps, others in gas chambers; some were buried alive along with thousands of others in Jewish ghettos, while some were been shot as they stood in line waiting to be killed – painful and horrifying stories that expose an appalling human brutality and ruthlessness. They spoke of the international community that had failed them, offering neither protection nor refuge. They told me of the doors that were shut in their faces, irrevocably sealing their fate. They explained how they became the focus of a wave of hatred that infected Europe, spreading from one place to another like a deadly virus.

"The one thing that gave me a measure of comfort after listening to the victims were Daniel's words: 'Write down what you hear from us, so that humanity may avoid a repeat of that tragedy. We now dwell in a place of comfort and happiness, and the only reason we are telling you our story is to help mankind avoid similar disasters.' After being overwhelmed with grief at the atrocities that were revealed to me, I found true comfort to think that the victims of these atrocities had found happiness in the next life."

"In The Nazi Era, The Hatred Of Jews Was State Policy And General Culture; However, The Hatred They Face In The Middle East [Today] Is Much More Dangerous"

"I came back to my own reality, and my own corner in the world in the Middle East, and I found that hatred of Jews had in fact shifted from Europe to the Middle East. In the Nazi era, the hatred of Jews was state policy and general culture. However, the hatred they face in the Middle East [today] is much more dangerous, as it has morphed into some kind of human instinct and a religious culture. From a very young age, children are fed hatred of Jews with their mother's milk, inheriting it in their genes. The sermons taught in mosques proclaim that the end of the world will not happen unless Muslims kill every single Jew, claiming that even the trees and rocks will call upon Muslims to kill the Jews taking shelter behind them. On International Al-Quds Day, which was celebrated August 17, 2012, Hizbullah[1] leader Hassan Nasrallah brazenly stated, 'Our struggle with the Zionist enemy is a matter of religion and doctrine' – suggesting that Mr. Nasrallah and his Islamist friends see no other solution but the complete eradication of the Jewish people. The Jewish State is surrounded by hatred from all corners, caught between terrorist organizations and states – Hamas, Hizbullah, Iran, Sinai, and, soon, Al-Qaeda in the Golan Heights.

"In my own reality, in the span of six months I watched on Arab television three highly popular 30-episode series. The last of these series, which aired on over 100 Arabic channels during Ramadan, starred the well-known Egyptian actor Adel Imam. The series pictured Jews in a very negative light, and championed the idea that it is permissible, or halal, to rob them – the main character and his gang stole $200 million from an Israeli bank and gave it to Muslims in Somalia… So now it is acceptable to steal from Jews as well as to kill them!

"In my Middle Eastern reality, tens of thousands of mosques demonize and curse Jews on a daily basis. Formal Islamist speech describes Jews as the progeny of monkeys and pigs, and hundreds of articles daily promote hatred of Jews. Our newspapers and books are filled with fairy tales based on the hoax of 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,' claiming that Jews go around slaughtering Muslims and Christians to use their blood in the making of unleavened bread for Passover!!!"

"In Our Region, People Hate One Another, Fight With One Another, And Disagree On Everything – Except On Their Common Hatred Of Jews And Christians"

"In our region, people hate one another, fight with one another, and disagree on everything – except on their common hatred of Jews and Christians. In our region, the hatred of Jews has taken the form of artistic, cultural and political festivals. In our region, they deny that the Holocaust happened even though thousands of eyewitnesses are still alive today – while those who admit that it did happen say that Hitler's only mistake was not ridding the world of every single Jew. In our region, Jews have been spared only because their opponents lack the ability to eradicate them. In brief, our region is infected with a curse of excessive hatred and violence, which are increasing exponentially and are about to be unleashed on the world.

"Despite the Holocaust tragedies, I still see a light at the end of the tunnel. While it is true that Jews have decreased in number as a result of the Holocaust, they have also increased in strength. The progeny of the prophets emerged from the Holocaust to contribute to human rights advocacy, and to promote minority rights and freedoms throughout the world. They shared in efforts that resulted in hundreds of UN international human rights conventions, and contributed to the scientific, cultural and artistic revival of the Western world.

"The Lessons Learned From The Holocaust Should Make Us Revisit Our Reality In Our Corner Of The World"

"But the lessons learned from the Holocaust should make us revisit our reality in our corner of the world. The extremist Islamist movements have begun tightening their control over the Middle East, and a few years from now the Middle East will be an angry Islamist Middle East, hostile to the Jews and Christians who live in it.

"I want to alert the world to the fact that the hatred of Jews and Christians has reached its peak in the Middle East, and that both are facing a common enemy – the growing Islamist extremism. Will the world intervene to protect and save us before we become the victims of a new tragedy? This is the message I would like to convey to the global conscience.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

What Will Obama's Middle East Legacy Be?

Despite the timely rhetoric coming from President Obama, in light of the past 3 1/2 years of actions, I find it puzzling that more Jewish organizations have not come out with strong stances like this one. It is so overwhelmingly obvious that our President is attempting to convince many constituents that are currently on the fence that he is pro-Israel.  However, it seems just as obvious to me that he is doing so in a serious attempt to woo back wealthy donors for his campaign as well as the Jewish vote.

What is also painfully obvious is that our President continues to have a consistent record of completely inept policies, disgraceful misalignment and horrific naïveté viz. a vie the middle east and Israel. It is my humble opinion that if re-elected, we will need to prepare for the nightmare to get worse...much, much worse!

Many experts have now concluded that the so-called "Arab spring" has, rather than create an atmosphere of freedom and democracy in the middle east, instead has promoted a worsening powder keg up to now, allowing extremists to have greater influence and promoting Iran and Turkey to regional powers.  We have not seen anything close to the worst possible scenario, though.  America's influence in the middle east is currently at its lowest point in the last 100 years.

If our current President gets re-elected, his policies will further erode American strength and continue to promote his neo-socialist and borderline extremist views of tolerance of all...including those with obviously evil intent.

His use of the Bin Laden assassination and the Egyptian and Libyan fiascos as an attempt to show he has strength is merely smoke and mirrors. His current influence on the Syrian debacle - or lack thereof - and this administrations cow-towing to Russia and China, especially with regard to Syria and Iran, is further evidence of that.

I challenge anyone to simply examine this President's current policies - and you will see that they have been by far the most onerous policies toward Israel of any American President since the birth of Israel. If you want to see America regain a position of influence for good again in the world and you have any passion for supporting Israel's right to defend itself against evil, I implore you to consider carefully who you vote for this November.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Iran lays out legal case for genocidal attack against 'cancerous tumor'
by Reza Kahlili
Original Article:

The Iranian government, through a website proxy, has laid out the legal and religious justification for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of its people.
The doctrine includes wiping out Israeli assets and Jewish people worldwide.
Calling Israel a danger to Islam, the conservative website Alef, with ties to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the opportunity must not be lost to remove “this corrupting material. It is a ‘jurisprudential justification” to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and in that, the Islamic government of Iran must take the helm.”
The article, written by Alireza Forghani, a conservative analyst and a strategy specialist in Khamenei’s camp, now is being run on most state-owned conservative sites, including the Revolutionary Guards’Fars News Agency, showing that the regime endorses this doctrine.
Because Israel is going to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, Iran is justified in launching a pre-emptive, cataclysmic attack against the Jewish state, the doctrine argues.
On Friday, in a major speech at prayers, Khamenei announced that Iran will support any nation or group that attacks the “cancerous tumor” of Israel. Though his statement was seen by some in the West as fluff, there is substance behind it.
Iran’s Defense Ministry announced this weekend that it test-fired an advanced two-stage, solid-fuel ballistic missile and boasted about successfully putting a new satellite into orbit, reminding the West that its engineers have mastered the technology for intercontinental ballistic missiles even as the Islamic state pushes its nuclear weapons program.
The commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Brig. Gen. Seyyed Mehdi Farahi, stated in Augustthat the Safir missile, which is capable of transporting a satellite into space, can easily be launched parallel to the earth’s orbit, which will transform it into an intercontinental ballistic missile. Western analysts didn’t believe this would happen until 2015. Historically, orbiting a satellite is the criterion for crediting a nation with ICBM capability.
Forghani details the Islamic duty of jihad as laid out in the Quran for the sake of Allah and states that “primary jihad,” according to some Shiite jurists, can only occur when the Hidden Imam, the Shiites’ 12th Imam Mahdi, returns. Shiites believe Mahdi’’s return will usher in Armageddon.
In the absence of the hidden Imam, Forghani says, “defensive jihad” could certainly take place when Islam is threatened, and Muslims must defend Islam and kill their enemies. To justify such action, Alef quotes the Shiites’ first imam, Ali, who stated “Waging war against the enemies with whom war is inevitable and there is a strong possibility that in near future they will attack Muslims is a must and the duty of Muslims.”
The article then quotes the Quran (Albaghara 2:191-193): “And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers] … and fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah.”
It is the duty for all Muslims to participate in this defensive jihad, Forghani says. A fatwa by the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini made it clear that any political domination by infidels over Muslims authorizes Muslims to defend Islam by all means. Iran now has the ICBM means to deliver destruction on Israel and soon will have nuclear warheads for those missiles.
In order to attack Iran, the article says, Israel needs the approval and assistance of America, and under the current passive climate in the United States, the opportunity must not be lost to wipe out Israel before it attacks Iran.
Under this pre-emptive defensive doctrine, several Ground Zero points of Israel must be destroyed and its people annihilated. Forghani cites the last census by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics that shows Israel has a population of 7.5 million citizens of which a majority of 5.7 million are Jewish. Then it breaks down the districts with the highest concentration of Jewish people, indicating that three cities, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa, contain over 60 percent of the Jewish population that Iran could target with its Shahab 3 ballistic missiles, killing all its inhabitants.
Forghani suggests that Iran’s Sejil missile, which is a two-stage rocket with a trajectory and speed that make it impossible to intercept, should target such Israeli facilities as: the Rafael nuclear plant, which is the main nuclear engineering center of Israel; the Eilun nuclear plant; another Israeli reactor in Nebrin; and the Dimona reactor in the nuclear research center in Neqeb, the most critical nuclear reactor in Israel because it produces 90 percent enriched uranium for Israel’s nuclear weapons.
Other targets, according to the article, include airports and air force bases such as the Sedot Mikha Air Base, which contains Jericho ballistic missiles and is located southwest of the Tel Nof Air Base, where aircraft equipped with nuclear weapons are based. Secondary targets include power plants, sewage treatment facilities, energy resources, and transportation and communication infrastructures.
Finally, Forghani says, Shahab 3 and Ghadr missiles can target urban settlements until the Israelis are wiped out.
Forghani claims that Israel could be destroyed in less than nine minutes and that Khamenei, as utmost authority, the Velayete Faghih (Islamic Jurist), also believes that Israel and America not only must be defeated but annihilated.
The radicals ruling Iran today not only posses over 1,000 ballistic missiles but are on the verge of ICBM delivery and have sufficient enriched uranium for six nuclear bombs even as they continue to highly enrich uranium despite four sets of U.N. sanctions.
The Iranian secret documentary “The Coming Is Upon Us” clearly indicates that these radicals believe the destruction of Israel will trigger the coming of the last Islamic Messiah and that even Jesus Christ, who will convert to Islam, will act as Mahdi’s deputy, praying to Allah as he stands behind the 12th Imam.
Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and author of the award-winning book, “A Time to Betray.” He is a senior fellow with EMPact America and teaches at the U.S. Department of Defense’s Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy.