The Miracle of Regathering

The Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote of the future return of his people to their ancestral homeland 2500 years ago. It is a true miracle that the Jewish people who have suffered exile, persecution, forced assimilation and near annihilation have not only survived, but regathered into their eternal homeland. This blog is intended to stir hearts and minds to contemplate the importance of this modern miracle and to generate dialogue about current cultural, geopolitical and spiritual issues that impact us ALL.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Illusion of Moderation and The Farce of Palestinian Statehood

Nabil Sha'ath, a senior member of Fatah, was once the chief "peace negotiator" for the PLO.  He was not negotiating on behalf of Hamas - the avowed extremist anti-Zionist terror organization that controls Gaza, but their supposed moderate rivals in the power struggle over control of "Palestine," the PLO - now known as the Palestinian Authority.

Sha'ath is well known himself to be stoutly anti-Israel and hence is no longer a part of the negotiating team for the "moderate" PA.  It is a bit antithetical that he is no longer a "negotiator" because he truly never was.  His inability, unlike some of his compatriots, to keep his true feelings quiet was his downfall...his hatred for Israel, Jews and his absolute commitment to the destruction of Jewish Israel was all too obvious.

However, all who are in any way savvy to the reality of the "game" on the ground realize that every single PA "negotiator" and certainly all of the senior leadership in Fatah, feels the exact same way as Sha'ath...the others are just far better at being able to subterfuge their hand to the world at large.

Well, Sha'ath the "moderate" is at it again.  In a recent celebration of the Hamas "victory" over Israel - another duplicitous attempt to rally the victims of terrorist controlled Gaza against the "evil occupiers" - Sha'ath makes clear, crystal clear, his vision for the region...and his support for the means to do so.  Joining with terrorist leaders Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas and Mohammed Al-Hindi of Islamic Jihad, he called for unity amongst all the Palestinian factions.

In this video you will see the Arab vision for the state of and all, regardless of the rhetoric that may come from the so-called PA "moderates" like Abu Mazan (Mahmoud Abbas). Hanan Ashrawi, Saeb Erekat and others...of whom Sha'ath is supposedly a partner.  Moderation amongst PA Arabs is simply and succinctly, an illusion:

With the entity known by the world as "Palestine" ready to present its case for Observership Statehood to the United Nations General Assembly, it and the UN will bypass all international legal precedence to give credence to a non-state group as essentially equal to a nation-state.  Of course, Palestine does not exist.  But, the mostly anti-Israel, anti-Zionist UNGA will likely create it, having enough votes to pass without much need for compromise amongst the PA leadership.  The PA claims that this is a "last ditch effort to re-ignite the peace process" - which we know is fabricated hyperbole since they have avoided any attempt to re-ignite negotiations for the better part of 3 years.

This is but one further nail in the coffin for the goal of a balanced, morally equitable future for the relations between Arabs and Israelis in the middle east.  I have said this before and I will keep saying it: there is no hope for peace - EVER - when one of the parties involved truly has no ultimate desire for peace.

And so, a new phase begins, of Israeli isolation by the world body...of non-negotiated restructuring. This farcical event gives further credence to a group who is not simply looking for legitimacy and self-determination, two noble and desirous goals, and certainly not through peaceful means, but of the destruction of a current legitimate Nation-State and the removal of its Jewish majority from the region.

This is the middle east...this is the world we live in.

Whether with the well avowed and hate-filled Hamas or Islamic Jihad terrorists or the oft-deceptive PA so-called moderates, the future bodes ill for a lasting peace in this region of recurrent heartbreak.  The only option for Israel continues to be: to maintain national and military strength, to stand firm united and to continually pray for the miracle of peace...or the coming of Messiah...with the latter growing far more likely than the former.