The Miracle of Regathering

The Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote of the future return of his people to their ancestral homeland 2500 years ago. It is a true miracle that the Jewish people who have suffered exile, persecution, forced assimilation and near annihilation have not only survived, but regathered into their eternal homeland. This blog is intended to stir hearts and minds to contemplate the importance of this modern miracle and to generate dialogue about current cultural, geopolitical and spiritual issues that impact us ALL.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Romney Secretly Videotaped - TELLING THE TRUTH about the Middle East! HOW DARE HE?!

Please watch this "secret" video obtained through an undercover Democrat plant at one of Mitt Romney's "private" fundraisers. There's an old saying: "What the devil meant for evil, God turns for good!" I have some ideas as to which side is the "devil's" and which is "God's." I'll let you all decide that for yourselves, however.

One thing is for sure: I can't tell you how refreshing it is to see a presidential candidate that is actually honest about Arab-Israeli politics and the so-called peace process. He may not have expressed it as glibly as I would have liked. But, the bulk of Romney's discourse is absolutely spot on. I am thoroughly impressed and, of course, more convinced than ever which candidate will be the TRUE friend of Israel over the next 4 years.

Of course, the supporters of our current Administration will point to this as some horrible large part because our incumbent President and his policy makers are deluded enough to believe the farcical dream that the Arabs actually want peace with Israel.

As we have seen in Gaza and Lebanon, and will soon witness in Egypt if the Muslim Brotherhood gains more traction, giving away control over land only feeds the monster, prompting more and more violence.

What is the answer? How do we give those who call themselves Palestinians autonomy without risking Israeli security? After all, it is the dream of all of us to have a sense of control over our own destiny.

Unfortunately, when that destiny is self-infused with a commitment to another's destruction, we must ALL do everything in our power to, first, recognize that reality...and, secondly, stop it. This administration, however, believes that through appeasement and apology, peace can be achieved.

Most of us who live in the REAL WORLD and have extensive experience with life in the Middle East, understand that reality dictates otherwise. As Romney ACCURATELY points out - true peace is not possible when one of the parties has NO deep and NO sustained commitment to it.

My mind is made up as to who I will vote for as I believe our foreign policies, especially vis a vie the Middle East will have a critical impact on our nation's domestic issues as well as the health of the world around us. I hope yours is too!

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