The US has committed F-16 jets and dozens of new Abrams tanks to Egypt...against who will they be used? Was this a signal to Netanyahu to "get in line or else?"
No matter what face of moderation the Muslim Brotherhood's new leader of Egypt puts on to the world, it has and always will be clear what Mohammed Morsi and the Brotherhood stand for.
And no matter what duplicitous stance this administration takes toward the middle east in its rhetoric, the actions on the ground tell the true story of were the intentional alliances are being drawn. The results will be disastrous for both the US and its only true ally in the middle east, Israel.
As to the foundation of Morsi's goals vis a vis Israel and the US, Rachel Avraham writes a poignant article for "United With Israel" that helps us understand the true intentions of Morsi and what he envisions his new "Democracy" to nurse their children on - "hatred towards those Zionists and Jews, and all those who support them." This further helps us grasp the backdrop for why the policies of the Obama administration are so misaligned.
"MEMRI has uncovered that Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi evidently stated, “One American president after another – and most recently, that Obama – talks about American guarantees for the safety of the Zionists in Palestine. Obama was very clear when he uttered his empty words on the land of Egypt. He uttered many lies, of which he couldn’t have fulfilled a single word, even if he were sincere – which he is not.”
The revelation of all of these anti-semitic statements follows an increased atmosphere of repression within Egypt, where minority groups, women’s rights activists, liberals, and any one else opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood is facing difficult times. History has demonstrated that how a society treats the Jews is often a litmus test for how other groups of marginalized people are treated.Given this, the fact that almost all of Egypt’s Jews have been expelled, that the few Jews who remain in Egypt live in fear, should be taken as a warning sign for other oppressed groups in Egypt.
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