The Miracle of Regathering

The Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote of the future return of his people to their ancestral homeland 2500 years ago. It is a true miracle that the Jewish people who have suffered exile, persecution, forced assimilation and near annihilation have not only survived, but regathered into their eternal homeland. This blog is intended to stir hearts and minds to contemplate the importance of this modern miracle and to generate dialogue about current cultural, geopolitical and spiritual issues that impact us ALL.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Musings: America, Israel and The Sanctity of Life

Today is one of the most important days on the American calender.  It is on this day yearly that we memorialize those who have heroically given their lives for our nation.  Yes, it's true that over the years, this day has become a day of baseball, hot dogs and mom's apple pie - a day that celebrates what is core, what is good in America.  Nevertheless, no matter how we spend our day, there is no question that most of us retain the sense of what this day means in one form or another.

In defense of our nation, in defense of our values and of our friends and allies, Americans have given their lives by the thousands over the course of our history...not to mention the hundreds of thousands who have been injured and were delivered from death by the grace of G-d; and the millions who have put themselves in harm's way.

I was pondering this morning whether or not to write anything about this special day.  After all, what does it have to do with Israel and with the purpose of this particular blog?

Then it hit me.  With absolutely no intention of taking away the remarkable significance of this day to us as Americans, nor to minimize the sacrifices that have been made on our behalf...something very crucial became apparent to me.  How many American lives have been lost in active wars involving America's most staunch and vital ally in the Middle East - Israel?  How much American blood has been spilled and how many Americans have been put in harms way defending one of our most important Democratic partners in the world?

Unlike Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Viet Nam, Korea none of whom were as strong or as important an ally as Israel has been, American soldiers have never sacrificed their lives in defense of the Jewish Nation.  Despite the fact that the there have been multiple wars of aggression against Israel where odds were skewed enormously against the nation that is no larger than the State of New Jersey,  by armies up to 100 times the numbers of the Israeli Defense Forces, no American soldier has been called upon to aid - even in times of potential annihilation.

This is a remarkable fact.  But, so what?  Today is America's Memorial Day, not Israel's.  Why is this significant?

Today, there are calls by some sincere and well-meaning Americans and also a minority who are clearly anti-Zionist to reduce or discontinue any financial support for Israel's defense.  There is a logical basis for this by those well-meaning individuals.  After all,  our own financial woes and budgetary issues here in the U.S. are mounting by the second.  To those anti-Zionists, their irrational antisemitic stance is fed by any and all reasons they may conjure up, delusional and otherwise - so my repartee is not with them.  But, for those who are cogitating over why it should be in America's interest to support Israel's defense financially, I have several contemplative retorts.

Firstly, it is not a well known fact and rarely does it enter into the argument, but EVERY DOLLAR that America gives to Israel for Israel's defense is spent by Israel to purchase AMERICAN defense products and technology.  It is written into the distributive budget by Congress and is an absolute stipulation for the support to be given that Israel use it only for purchasing from U.S. companies.  Further, none of the purchases that Israel makes is at a discounted price - Israel pays a premium for these American-made products.  So every penny that Israel receives goes right back into the U.S. economy.  This is not true for the hundreds of millions of dollars of support yearly that goes to the Palestinian Authority and the billions of dollars of support earmarked for the new "Democracies" of the Arab world.

Secondly, and more importantly, a question begs to be asked: how much "money" is a human life worth?  Although admittedly very difficult to calculate in definitive terms, through its various counter-terrorist and intelligence activities - well known to be of the most advanced and accurate in the world - Israel has undoubtedly saved countless AMERICAN lives, both military and civilian through prevention.  Israel, because of its proximity to terrorist bases and out of necessity for self-preservation, has not only stifled numerous attempts at terrorist infiltration into its own country, but has contributed greatly to the overall success of the world-wide anti-terrorism efforts.

Thirdly, Israel, as a result of having developed the premier DEFENSIVE military capability in the world (necessitated by the continuous state of threat it lives under) and by the Grace of the Almighty, has been able to defend itself, BY ITSELF, without the risk of the blood of its allies.  Even at its most grave moments of near-eradication, viz a vie the wars of 1967 and 1973, not one member of another nation's defense force was lost.  Now, let's think about that.  I challenge anyone to recollect a war of defense where a nation, who had a number of close and powerful allies and was on the brink of potential annihilation, did not receive the assistance of those allies or at the very least BEG for assistance, including "boots on the ground."

Finally, why do we in America believe it so important to memorialize those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for others?  The answer is actually quite simple.  Unlike many other cultures, what informs the American mind-set more than any other perspective is a Judeo-Christian foundation - the foundation that built this nation upon the principles of liberty and the sanctity and vitality of life.  There is a famous Talmudic expression that many are familiar with and it goes something like this:

"Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world.  And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world."
Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5; Babylonian Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin 37a

It is this foundation that America and Israel share in common.  It is what both nations are built upon, which is in stark contrast with some of today's most heinous regimes.  The Hamas, for example, whose leadership has repeated its self-acclaimed duty to motivate an unending passion for conflict and continual suicide attacks, has a well know ritualized mantra: "As much as the Jews and Christians love life [is] as much as we (the Muslim) love death."

So, today we commemorate our country's fallen heroes, those who have given their lives with dignity in defense of our nation, our values and for peoples throughout the world.  We also zealously celebrate the lives that where not placed in harm's way - the countless American lives that we will never have to mourn like we do those who have sacrificed prematurely.  And, we also celebrate the very values that our heroes so desperately fought for and that we so desperately live for - on this most solemn and important American holiday.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Has Israel's Best Friend Moved North?

Canadian Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper reaffirmed at the recent G8 conference his commitment to be a "light in the midst of the darkness" of world-wide anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiment.
Despite intense pressure, Harper blocked calls to force Israel into final status talks based on accepting the 1949-1967 Armistice lines, with land swaps. He also opposed major aid packages to Egypt and Tunisia, where continued unrest has dogged transitional governments after the “Arab Spring” uprisings toppled decades-long regimes.

No Canadian aid will go to either country – an important point particularly in the case of Egypt, which has just opened its Rafiah border crossing with Gaza.

He originally drew his line in the sand while speaking at an Ottawa conference on fighting antisemitism that was part of Holocaust Education Week.   At the conference, the Canadian leader implicitly agreed with a common analysis that the United Nations recently turned down Canada's bid for a temporary seat on the Security Council because of its solid pro-Israel stand.

From his original speech at the Ottawa conference:
    "And I know, by the way, because I have the bruises to show for it, that whether it is at the United Nations or any other international forum, the easiest thing to do is simply to just get along and go along with this anti-Israel rhetoric, to pretend it is just about being even-handed, and to excuse oneself with the label of honest broker...History shows us, and the ideology of the anti-Israel mob tells us all too well, that those who threaten the existence of the Jewish people are in the longer term a threat to all of us...There are, after all, a lot more votes in being anti-Israeli than in taking a stand...But as long as I am Prime Minister, whether it is at the United Nations, the Francophone or anywhere else, Canada will take that stand, whatever the cost. Let us not forget that even now, there are those who choose evil, and would launch another Holocaust if left unchecked.”

Here is part of his speech:

You can also view an article on Prime Minister Netanyahu's appreciation for Canadian support at:

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Middle East Problem in a Nutshell

I have been a fan of Dennis Prager for a long time.  I have rarely met a person who has the combined virtues of being very Jewish, very spiritual and VERY CONSERVATIVE!!!!  Although I don't always agree with Dennis' positions, he has a superb way of simplifying some very multifaceted topics.  In this particular presentation, he succinctly and eloquently describes the seemingly complex Arab-Israeli conflict with great aplomb.  Of course, we must add to his treatise the layer of hatred between the children of Ishmael and Esau towards those of Isaac and Jacob that has persisted for millennia as icing on his simple recipe.  Nevertheless, it is a good deconstruction of the long-standing conflict.  Enjoy!

The BBC, Liberal Media & Anti-Semitism

When the media in the West provides "unbiased" reporting, is it really?   This expose by CAMERA on the BBC portrayal of the "plight" of Arabs in East Jerusalem clearly outlines the typical antisemitic and anti-Zionist propaganda that is common to Liberal Western media outlets.  Like the contrast between MSNBC & CNN with Fox News in the US, the BBC can be contrasted with Sky News in Great Britain as an unrivaled source of skewed propaganda.  Of course, it is common knowledge that no commercial news channel, liberal, conservative or otherwise, provides unbiased reporting...which is a shame.  Today, it is not the truth that motivates the presentation of news, it is what sells.

Please watch the video.  Your comments and feedback are appreciated.


To support a petition to encourage an investigation into the BBC's antisemitic practices, go to the following page:

Friday, May 27, 2011

Inaugural Blog

Hello one and all: friends, bloggers and countrymen...and fellow believers in honest and principled oratory (AKA - "speaking the truth in love!").  In response to the complaints of friends with whom I dialogue through email and Facebook, I have been asked (commanded, really) to begin a blog! I imagine, it is their nice way of demanding that rather than wax eloquent for paragraphs at a time through other venues, I can articulate my thoughts in a place where they can choose to visit IF and when THEY want and not when I want.  I am quite excited to enter my first blog - and, God willing, continue blogging until the Messiah returns!!!

I have chosen to title my Blog: Ezekiel 37.  The significance may be obvious to some, but if not...I will "splain".  My passion and my interest and the motivation for this particular blog is the current events of the Middle East, and in particular, my spiritual homeland - Israel.  Ezekiel's 37th chapter is the words of one of many Jewish apocalyptic prophets that centuries ago (~2500 in this case), gave testimony of the return of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland.  This famous "valley of dry bones" prophecy has been fulfilled in our very recent time.  Jewish people, although always maintaining a presence in their historical homeland, began arriving in significant numbers in the late 1800's and, by 1948 when Israel declared itself an independent nation-state, had close to 1,000,000 Jewish inhabitants.  Written during the 1st Jewish exile in Babylon, Ezekiel proclaims:

““And say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I will take the sons of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and I will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land; and I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel; and one king will be king for all of them; and they will no longer be two nations, and they will no longer be divided into two kingdoms.”
(Ezekiel 37:21–22 NASB)

It truly is a modern miracle that a small people who have been targeted for exile, persecution, forced assimilation, and near annihilation countless times have not only survived, but regathered into a common entity in their ancestral homeland of 4000 years - the State of Israel.  It is a miracle that is also not without DIVINE involvement, in my humble, but strong opinion.  It is not only the fact the my fellow "seeds of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" have survived 4000 years - it is HOW they survived...against insurmountable odds that by all intents and purposes should never have happened.  Additionally, no other peoples have been the brunt of such vile and vehement opposition and delusional hatred as my fellow Jews.  Why?  Could it be that this really IS about good v. evil?  God v. His enemies? 

I am not saying that we Jews, either individually, as a people or as the Nation-State of Israel, are perfect and aligned only with good.  God knows that is not the case.  Our past, present and indeed our future is and will be racked with horrible choices and actions that are not ordained by either "good" or God.  Our Messiah referenced this very issue as He wept over His holy city of Jerusalem and its history of sin and vile rejection of the Jewish prophets.  Nevertheless, this is about a God who chooses good, chooses righteousness, not necessarily people.  God chooses good in that He and He alone has made an eternal covenant to ensure the survival of His covenant people "until the stars and the sun stop shining"...that's a very long time!

And, how will this story end?

This blog is intended to stir your hearts and your minds to contemplate the importance of this modern miracle and its future.  In fact it is de facto intended to stir contemplation for ALL OF OUR FUTURES - because ALL OF US are tied to what is happening in Israel - whether we like it or not.  It is also intended to generate dialogue about cultural, geo-political and spiritual issues that impact ALL OF US - in the present, the near-future and, yes, into the "olam" - the Hebrew word for eternity.

I welcome any comments, corrections, encouragements, elucidations, questions, exhortations, brow-beating (with civility).  Only, please be prepared for honest discussion and debate if you are so inclined.

Thanks and Blessings to all.

Warmest Regards,

Obama, Israel and the "New" Middle East

Much has been written already about the recent policy speech given by President Obama viz a vie the Middle East.  The lines have been drawn by supporters and detractors alike.  Many of you already know that I am not a great proponent of our current administration's Middle East policy.  While I pray earnestly that true wisdom and guidance will come to our nation's leadership, I am sorely disappointed by the here-to-fore poorly articulated policies and, the most recent clearly articulated focus of President Obama.

I recently had several on-line discussions with various friends on different chat sites that began as a result of an Op-Ed written by Caroline Glick, senior editor of the Jerusalem Post regarding Obama's policy speech at the State Department on May 19th.  Her original Op-Ed can be read at:

The following is a conglomeration of several conversations.  I would love your impressions...

Friend #1:
It sounds like an article written by someone with anti-Obama sentiment who is dissecting every little word from his speech & reading into it things that were not actually said, or even implied. The actual quotes from his speech, viewed objectively, distinct from the author's comments do not reflect the author's sentiment.

My Responses:
Oh, there is no question that Glick has strong anti-Obama sentiment, at least when it comes to his Middle East policy. Looking at things objectively (which is hard to do because of all the emotions involved, I'll duly admit), if one has any in-depth understanding of the Middle East from a historical context, what he SAID was dramatic. He didn't IMPLY that Israel should give up land in compliance with PA demands to go back to pre-1967 borders, HE SAID IT.  And this, my friend, is where the US ship of support for Israeli security and its unintended (or intended) consequences has set sail from the harbor.  Unfortunately, this one statement is the lynchpin that, if US policy follows, will be the undoing of peace in the Middle East, NOT the basis for it.

[And, interestingly, from a Biblical/prophetic perspective, this US/Obama policy push may add more fire under the kettle of the anti-Zionist commitment to isolate Israel and put in place the justification to unilaterally declare a Palestinian State based on these borders, with or without Israel's participation. If it is with Israel's participation, peace will only last so long before the Palestinians will want more. If it is without Israel's participation - which is more likely, it will only be a matter of time before the "world-wide" support for the Palestinian agenda leads to a greater conflagration and eventually full-on conflict with Israel.  Based on one interpretation of Daniel 9:27 and other prophetic scripture, Israel and us Jews may again be looking at the brink of extinction - with only one recourse for deliverance - to cry out for our Messiah for redemption and deliverance.  Clearly, if this looks like it will happen, I'll be on the next flight to Israel to fight right alongside my family and, while doing so, pray earnestly and proclaim the Good News at every step.  My current prayer is that there is much more time before this happens.]

Friend #2 to me:
Of course, you are clearly an Obama-hater also.  What did you want him to say?  He wants peace...and an end to the stalemate and oppression that is prevalent in that part of the world.

My Collective Responses:
If you didn't get it by least as it applies to his Middle East policy, I am not only NOT a fan of Obama, I am and will continue to be a most outspoken and vehement critic. This is my take on what he has both SAID and IMPLIED over the last 2 years: Obama is inexperienced, lacks true wisdom, which he tries to make up for by appearing "progressive" and has a very flawed group of "thinkers" and policy-makers who are clearly globalists and humanists - and these are the people that shape his guiding principles.  While I pray that this changes, currently he has no concept of the spiritual, historical or ethno-cultural basis of Middle East politics or security.

He/they want to appear balanced to the world, but in so doing cater and cow to world opinion that is clearly counterproductive to US interests, US security and certainly US allies - but, more so, will actually feed into global chaos, not improve it. His policies are foolish, and if allowed to be carried out to their fullest, will undermine, not improve security and peace worldwide. The foundations for his policies are based on a humanistic, "messianic" concept of peace and harmony that is not only idealistic, but inane. Why? Because it is founded on the principle that everyone intuitively seeks peace and harmony, which is not only fatuous but totally illusory. Other than that, I love the guy!!!!

Friend #3:
History teaches us important lessons but also revives old wounds and idealistic or not, we are part of the global picture, not just defenders of our own interests - the time for imperialism is in the historical past.

My Final Response:
Ah, my are proving my point without a need for any retort on my part. Nevertheless, I will 'splain' my reasoning.  If you think imperialism is in the historical past, you are sadly mistaken.  Although you were probably referring to present-day Israeli and/or past US policy, you are regrettably misguided by the same idealism and benighted "world opinion" that Obama is trying desperately to cow to.

Have you ever read the foundational charters of the PLO or the Hamas? How about that of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that birthed Hamas and is poised to take over political control of Egypt? A direct quote from the Hamas charter:

"Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated its predecessors...the Hamas has been looking forward to implement Allah’s promise whatever time it might take. The prophet, peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!" 

[I encourage you to read it in its entirety for yourself at:]

My friend, imperialism is alive and well!!  Only, it is not now, nor ever has been Israel's goal to be Imperialistic.  Just to survive - and to be an oasis of protection for Jews seeking to eliminate to possibility of another holocaust.  The definition of imperialism is: "the policy of EXTENDING the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies." Any land that Israel has taken has been in response to an attack on its sovereignty by other "nations" with avowed aspirations of "colonizing," or more accurately ERADICATING, the middle east of a Jewish presence...a presence which has populated the area far longer than any "Palestinian" or "Muslim" presence - over 4000 years.

So, the "old wounds" are not the issue...and history is not really the issue - although it is a fairly accurate predictor of future events.  The issue IS imperialism and SURVIVAL.  No Israeli wants to "occupy" land that is not theirs.  Only peace with a security that guarantees no further attacks on its sovereignty...viz a vie Islamic Imperialism.  The only possible answer is to have a neighbor that is interested in peaceful coexistence with Israel...which is not now, nor, sadly ever will be the case.

A peace treaty needs two partners who are committed to peace. That is what is so nauseatingly sad about this whole mess. There is only one partner that is truly looking for peace in this conflict. What is the solution? I don't believe there is one OTHER THAN A TRUE UNDERSTANDING OF THE REALITIES ON THE GROUND and a thorough spiritual look at the situation.

One thing I know for sure - the American "left" and the global idealists (i.e. secular humanists) are trying to force policy that will ENSURE IMPERIALISM in its most gruesome and heinous form - which is a repeat of the past that neither Israel nor any conscionable supporter of truth and human dignity would allow.   Idealism has not died...we can't let it...however, we idealists (I'm at the top of that list) need to get our heads out of the sand and understand what the real issues are before we can IMPOSE our idealism onto others. 

[We also need to study the reasons why all this is happening from a spiritual perspective - through understanding the "signs of the times" and "being sober and watching" with an eye to the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

Unfortunately, if we are interpreting biblical prophecy correctly, Obama and his cronies as well as his partners in the globalist elite are playing right into the hands of evil, which will ultimately lead to an all-out invasion of Israel for one purpose and one purpose only: the Imperialistic endeavors of the "new" Islamic Middle East.  I guarantee the "Arab Spring" will turn into a "Worldwide Nightmare" if, as has been the case for 1400 years in the Islamic world, "past is prologue."  Don't believe me?  Watch and see.]